KWAN is an 8 week brogram for restless men wanting more out of life and will help you wake up, discover more about your heart and give you some practical ways to do something about it.
On the 8 week journey, you come alive through weekly missions where you will
- WAKE UP to parts of you that may have been lost
- DISCOVER more about your values, fears & dreams
- DO SOMETHING about what you’ve learned by having opportunities to practice
KWAN is about poking the proverbial bear inside of you. It’s about having the grit to ask yourself a few dangerous questions. It’s about saying “WHY NOT?” to a few provoking challenges. It’s having the courage to climb up “WHAT IF” mountain and see what falls out of your heart. It’s about being restless and being OK with that… actually, accepting that restlessness can be a good thing that has propelled you to be reading this right now. It’s also about community and realizing that there are many other men on the same journey who feel exactly what you feel. They’re asking the same questions and wondering if there is “more to life” than simply surviving and hitting repeat everyday.
Welcome to your people.
Welcome to the brogram.
Welcome to KWAN.
Look down and notice that you have fortitude. You have what it takes.
Fear is part of the deal. There’s never a “perfect” time for this kind of action. Review STEP 1.
Know that there is a community of people, just like you (with grit, fear, restlessness, and a deep sense that there is “more”) who are courageous enough to start this journey with you.
Do it. Take a plunge. Step. Crawl. Whatever it takes. Wherever you’re at. The journey of waking up (a little more) has begun. It is a good thing.
So, basically, here’s how it works…
There are groups of up to 5 men who connect weekly for 8 weeks. Each online session will be about 75 minutes where a variety of missions will be assigned to you. Then, you’ll come back together the following week to check in and debrief the missions you were assigned. The only requirement for these missions is the capacity to take a risk. Everyone is at a different stage in their life but each mission is designed to help draw things out of you that you may have never thought about and help you dig to find out more about your KWAN (you know, the thing that makes you come alive).
Everyone can see & talk to each other (thanks to the internet) so yes, you’ll need a quiet space for these sessions. There will be a professional coach at each session who will give some guidance along the way. Part of the magic of experiencing KWAN is the bond that is created with the other brave men in your group who are willing to risk, trust, & be vulnerable. You may be going through this with people you know or they may be perfect strangers. Either way, you’re more than likely to create some deep & meaningful connections that you wouldn’t typically make at a drive-thru.
Our hope is that you are able to WAKE UP (where you need to be woken up), DISCOVER some new things about your heart / purpose / schtick, and DO SOMETHING about it.
WEEK 1 | WHY | Exploring why you are here
Where in your life are you restless? You will discover that this restlessness is a clue and instead of trying to hide from it or numb it, you’ll be able to ask questions about what itches want to be scratched in your life. This first week is also about being introduced to the other men in the program and what has brought them to this place.
WEEK 2 | BARE BONES | Exploring vulnerability
Why is it so hard to be vulnerable with other men? What does that word even mean and what’s the power of being vulnerable? What kind of freedom is possible when you’re honest with yourself and other people (in a safe place)? What do you gain from being protective and putting on a facade of having it all together? What can you learn from admitting your weaknesses and embracing your strengths?
WEEK 3 | SABOTEUR | Exploring the voice of the inner critic
We all have an inner critic… that annoying voice on your shoulder that doesn’t want you to live according to our values. What is this voice, how does it show up, and how does it affect your life and the decisions you make? You will explore the power that this voice has (had) on you and discover some tools in order to recognize when you’re listening to this voice.
WEEK 4 | SUCKER PUNCH | Exploring wound
We all have wounds. You have lived through some hard, painful experiences. What have you believed as a result of these wounds and how has this dictated the way you’ve lived and the choices you’ve made? How has this affected your relationships? What would it look like to be able to look at these situations and experiences through a free & healthy lens?
WEEK 5 | STOKE | Exploring the power of acknowledgement
You will discover the power of using your words and actions to bring life to the people around you. Why is it so hard to sometimes give compliments or let someone know what you actually see in them? Why can that feel so vulnerable and scary? What’s the power of receiving the gift of being acknowledged? You will explore the art of using your intuition…
WEEK 6 | TOMBSTONE | Exploring your values
What are the things that you really want to be known for? What if you lived according to your values? What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? By dreaming about this, you can explore what changes you might want to make in your life in order to leave the legacy you’d really like to leave behind.
WEEK 7 | TATTOO | Claiming your personal brand statement
You’ll explore your true life purpose… the reason why you’re here (on this earth). This is the thing that has been true about you since you were a little boy. This is your personal brand statement or a “LIFE MOTTO” that you will be able to reference with any decision you make in your life.
WEEK 8 | BOOM | Wrap up and send off
This week is where you’ll be able to look back and acknowledge the changes you’ve made, lessons you’ve learned, and hear about the shifts the other men have made as a result of being a part of the program. It’s a time to celebrate where you were, where you’re at, and where you’re going.
Nico started his training as a professional coach through the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) in 2013. He has worked a variety of jobs including leading short term teams around the globe, running youth programs, running a production company (New Horizon Productions) and many creative entrepreneur adventures… speaking of adventures, he is a self-proclaimed adrenaline junky. Nico is a super proud father of 2 grown kids and is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) who runs a coaching practice with Nico Coaching.
MORe about nico
Michael currently leads training courses for CTI and runs Offshore Coaching in conjunction with his psychotherapy practice in Marblehead, MA., USA. He is a husband and father to 3 beautiful girls. A partial list of Mike’s clients include leaders and teams from US Special Forces, Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), Stanford University, and MIT’s Sloan School.
MORe about michael
Scott has a successful track record of developing and coaching multiple design and sales teams throughout his 20+ years in the marine industry. His approach to leadership and team building has lead to the successful execution of various business strategies in an industry that has experienced unprecedented transformation in the last decade. His executive role at the Pinnacle US yachting firm, The Hinckley Company, along with his course work through the Coaches Training Institute provide Scott with a unique perspective on life purpose and business development.
MORe about scott
“I am a different man and husband as a result of KWAN… I realized what was really important to me and got the tools I needed in order to make the changes I wanted in my life.”
– Loren s
I think we all want to be our most alive, loving, awake, present selves, we just don’t always know how to get there. Like going to the gym, I believe you need community to motivate you in being your best self… this helped put into motion this type of 6th sense, self perspective, of how the “where to go and how to get there” has all to do with our state inside.
– Lance B
Kwan was powerful. I still can’t get over how impactful the exercises were & how quickly a group of guys could connect.”
– Jim T.
I was in a bad place. Self doubt and loathing ruling my thoughts. My two year relationship had come to an end and was rightfully sad. Nico coached me one night giving me perspective and helpful direction. After our session I was able to recognize my destructive thoughts and turn them into positive ones.”
– Travis C.