Nice one… you just finished the quiz. How do you feel about your results? Anything surprise you?
Regardless of WHAT your score was, you have options. In order to figure out where you’re going you need to know where you’re at which includes getting brutally honest with yourself. This makes you more self-aware which can lead you to having a BETTER LIFE with BETTER RELATIONSHIPS, MOODS, DECISION-MAKING, and a clearer sense of what you want your life to look like.
“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers” – Pierre-Marc Gaston
Below are a few questions in the 9 different areas of your life for you to play with. I’d recommend taking some time to jot down some answers in a journal. Reflect. Maybe have a conversation with a friend about your score and see what comes up for you.
“I don’t know where I’m going, but I know exactly how to get there.” – Boyd Varty
Now that you’re on a bit of a journey to find out how close you are to finding your groove, one thing that could be really helpful is working with a coach (yep, like me) to help you get clearer on your values, your dreams, and ultimately help you make the changes you want to make so you can have a BETTER, KICK-ASS LIFE.
Or you could watch this short little video to “meet” me and see if coaching would be a good fit.
- What’s the adventure that I’m most looking forward to coming up in the next year?
- Is there an adventure or something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while that I just need to plan / do?
- If money or time wasn’t an issue, what kind of adventure / activity would I try? What would this experience give me?
- What’s my biggest challenge right now?
- In what area of my personal growth am I kicking ass or making the most progress? What was the key to this growth (in one word)?
- How am I showing up and living from my heart? What would it take to live more from this place?
- When in my life was I the fittest?
- *Close your eyes for a minute* and think about what kind of a person you were.
- Who were my friends? What was my discipline like?
- What is the ultimate MOTIVATOR for me to get / be in great shape?
- Make a list of 10 things that would be possible for me to do if I was healthier.
- Am I being the type of person my romantic person is looking for / wanting?
- Am I ready to find my person?
- How much am I leaning on my partner (or the prospect of finding my partner) in order to be happy?
- If I could snap my fingers and change one thing about my romantic partnership what would happen?
- “It is the quality of our relationships that determines the quality of our lives.” – Esther Perel
- Am I feeling fulfilled and satisfied with the depth / quality of my current relationships?
- Are there certain relationships that I need / want to separate from or create some distance / boundaries because they are toxic or pulling me away from being the person I really want to be?
- Which relationships do I want to invest in over the next year?
- Write down the names of these people.
- Do I love what I do for work?
- Do I love the people I work with / for?
- If failure wasn’t an option, what would I be doing or start doing?
- How much money would I need to have in order to be truly happy?
- How are money and happiness connected (if at all)?
- Write out your philosophy on money. (Eg. money = freedom + power)
- What could I shift in order to have more PEACE at home?
- If I could add a pile of JOY to my home environment, what would I need to focus on more?
- What’s one thing I could add / build / destroy / buy that would inspire me to invest in my home life?
- Think about this possibly acting as a metaphor… Eg. buying a plant and placing it in a spot where you’ll see it everyday as a reminder that you want to invest in making your home a place where love and ideas can grow.
- How does my “SPIRITUAL CUP” get filled?
- When this cup is filled, what does it allow me to do?
- Have I been filling it lately? What would it look like to invest in filling it over the next month? Write down your commitment to this plan.
What areas of your life seems to be working the best and where do you feel the most fulfilled?